
About conference

The International workshop on telecom quantum dot non-classical light sources for quantum communication (QDotCom) will be held in Wrocław from June 12th to 14th. It is jointly organized by Wrocław University of Science and Technology and Technical University of Berlin and University of Würzburg.

The purpose of QDotCom is to gather world class specialists in the field of non-classical light generation using quantum dots with emphasis on those emitting at telecommunication wavelengths and the prospects of their application in quantum technologies, in particular quantum communication. The workshop will combine the invited lectures given by experts and short communications and poster presentations of students, PhD students and young scientists.

Main topics

  • semiconductor quantum dots emitting at telecommunication wavelengths
  • growth and characterization of quantum dot structures
  • deterministic fabrication of quantum devices
  • external control of quantum emitters
  • non-classical light sources
  • single-photon detectors
  • quantum technology applications and their implementations


Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Department of Experimental Physics
Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27
50-370 Wroclaw