Invited speakers

Jean-Michel Gérard
Jean-Michel Gérard
Université Grenoble Alpes
CEA, Grenoble, France
Isolated color centers in silicon as telecom-wavelength single photon sources : recent advances and open challenges
Harald Giessen
Harald Giessen
University of Stuttgart
Coupling single quantum dot emission into single mode fibers using 3D printed microoptics
Teemu Hakkarainen
Teemu Hakkarainen
Tampere University
Telecom wavelength non-classical light sources based on GaSb quantum dots grown by filling droplet-etched nanoholes
Priyabrata Mudi
Priyabrata Mudi
Technical University of Berlin
Hybrid Quantum Light Sources: Uniting Classical and Non-Classical Photons for efficient Quantum Communication at Telecom Wavelengths
Anna Musiał
Anna Musiał
Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Non-classical light sources with InAs/InP quantum dots as an emiter
Andreas Pfenning
Andreas Pfenning
University of Würzburg
Progress on semiconductor quantum dot single-photon sources for quantum photonic applications
Dirk Reuter
Dirk Reuter
Paderborn University
Telecom C-band emission from droplet etched quantum dots in the InP/InyAl1-yAs/InxGa1-xAs system
Elizaveta Semenovar
Elizaveta Semenova
Technical University of Denmark
Lyngby, Denmark
Quantum dot-based scalable quantum photonic devices operating in the telecom C-band
Artur Tuktamyshev
Artur Tuktamyshev
University of Milano Bicocca
Highly symmetrical droplet epitaxial quantum dots on GaAs(111)A
Valentina Zannier
Valentina Zannier
Istituto Nanoscienze CNR
and Scuola Normale Superiore
Pisa, Italy
InAsP/InP quantum dot nanowires: from the new potential to the growth challenges
Valery Zwiller
Valery Zwiller
Single Quantum & Royal Institute of Technology
Recent progress in high-performance single photon detection at telecom wavelength


Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Department of Experimental Physics
Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27
50-370 Wroclaw